Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Our Swanky New Look!

That old template was a little boring, wasn't it? With the busy summer months right around the corner, Christine and I have been consumed by our usual desire to improve ourselves and our business. We have the technology. We can be better...faster...stronger... (Ach, if only we had six million dollars!)

Seriously, though - lots of changes for Frame of Reference in 2011. We've just taken on a new artist about whom we're very excited, and we'll post a little about her as soon as new paintings arrive. We've added a new jewelry line, created by a good friend right here in Bigfork. More on her later, too! We are also working on offering a couple of product lines here that are very artistic, but aren't "art" in the traditional gallery sense - they're not paintings, or sculpture. Can't say more about that until the deals are done, so to speak, but, once again, watch this space for more information. Suffice it to say, Frame of Reference continues to grow and mature, and this year, we'll be better than ever!

About the new look for this blog: we'd appreciate your feedback. Is the new font easy enough to read? Do the links work? Do the colors make you ill? At the behest of a client who couldn't find our phone number, we've added contact information just below our profile - thanks for the suggestion, Frank! Finally, I'm working on a background picture that's a little less generic, and a little more "us" but honestly, the templates are not as user friendly as I'd like and I ran out of patience today. Thanks for your patience. Cheers!

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